20 of the Worst PC Setups – December 2023

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I’m sure at some point you’ve had a bad PC setup. Maybe moving into a new place, waiting for a new desk to arrive or you just ran out of room. I can remember my horrible PC setups from when I was living at the dorms in college. If you have ever ventured over to the Shitty Battlestations sub-reddit you will find a lot of horrible PC setups. We will are going to pick 20 each month and feature them as 20 of the Worst PC setups for that month. Here are some of the bad ones for December.

20 of the Worst PC Setups – December 2023

“It’s not much, but its mine…”

“Just moved, need furniture…”

“Actually not all that uncomfortable…”
Screenshot 17

“Can’t afford a desk or a chair”

“My PC Solution…”
iivgs8c7p17c1 scaled

“Winter station – SCI Edition”
qwla0hgned6c1 scaled

“Mom’s setup…”
worstpc dec 2023 1

“Couldn’t decide between retro and recycling center”
worstpc dec 2023 2


“I can somehow game”