20 of the Worst PC Setups – November 2023

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I’m sure at some point you’ve had a bad PC setup. Maybe moving into a new place, waiting for a new desk to arrive or you just ran out of room. I can remember my horrible PC setups from when I was living at the dorms in college. If you have ever ventured over to the Shitty Battlestations sub-reddit you will find a lot of horrible PC setups. We will are going to pick 20 each month and feature them as 20 of the Worst PC setups for that month. Here are some of the bad ones for November.

20 of the Worst PC Setups – November 2023

“This is how I play fornite…”

“The best gaming setup…”

“I want to be close to my wife on the couch…”
worst pc nov2023 1

“My battlestation during the week…”

“Floor Station….”

“Game dungeon…”

“living room setup…”

“Perfectly functional…”
worst pc nov2023 2

“budget bed-gaming desktop”

“My friend’s current setup…”